Blue Mountains Gazette

23 ways you can burn calories while working at the office

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Keeping up a healthy lifestyle involves more than just what you do after work. I've discovered that trying to get more exercise in the workplace can really improve both my productivity and health.

Since most workdays are spent at a desk, coming up with innovative ways to burn calories while working is essential...and difficult at the same time.

To make it easier, here is a list of the things you can do to stay active and get the most out of your day.

Key takeaways:

  • Small adjustments in routine activities such as taking the stairs and walking to work will help burn calories.
  • Replacing your desk with an electric standing desk will contribute to a more active working day.
  • Wearing a good fitness tracker is one of the easiest ways to track calorie burning during the working day.

Burn more calories in the office with these practical ideas

1 - Take active breaks

Take brief breaks to move around rather than sit still for extended periods of time. Every hour, spend a few minutes moving around the office while standing up and stretching.

Simple workouts like lunges, squats, and calf lifts can easily be done right next to your desk. You can increase your heart rate and burn more calories throughout the day by making even little movements.

2 - Employ a standing desk

To cut down on extended sitting, think about investing in a good standing desk. When working, standing uses more muscles and burns more calories than sitting does. To develop tolerance, progressively increase the amount of time you spend standing every day.

You can also switch between standing and sitting to prevent becoming tired and keep your productivity high.

If you prefer an Australian manufacturer of quality desk accessories, then UpDown and Desky would be the ideal starting point.

3 - Include desk workouts

Include low-key workouts that you may perform covertly at your desk. For example, sit up straight and flex your abdominal muscles for a few seconds at a time to activate your core muscles. Shoulder rolls, arm stretches, and leg lifts are more ways to keep your body moving without interfering with your work.

 4 - Take the stairs

Whenever feasible, choose to use the stairs rather than the lift. One of the best ways to burn calories and strengthen your heart is to climb stairs. Raise your game by going faster during your workouts or by climbing the stairs more than once a day.

5 - Walk and talk

Use a hands-free gadget and move around the room while on the phone to avoid sitting through long conversations. In addition to burning calories, walking meetings improve concentration and foster creativity.

Especially for one-on-one meetings or brainstorming sessions, ask colleagues to join you for a walking conversation. You can also get under-desk treadmills to walk while at your standing desk.

6 - Make the most of lunch breaks

Make use of your lunch break to work out. Go for a jog, a quick stroll outside, or a nearby exercise class. Eating consciously and bringing a nutritious lunch can also help with calorie control and general well-being.

7 - Use resistance bands

For easy and efficient strength training workouts, keep resistance bands near your desk. Use resistance bands for exercises like shoulder presses, chest presses, and bicep curls to increase muscle and burn calories. Exercises with resistance bands can be customised to your fitness level and are low-impact.

 8 - Sit on an exercise ball

Using an exercise ball instead of a good desk chair forces you to use your core muscles while working, which improves posture and burns extra calories all day. Because of the ball's minor instability, small modifications are necessary to maintain muscle activation even when sitting for extended periods of time.

9 - Take a bike or walk to work

Opting for an active mode of transportation, like biking or walking, not only lowers carbon emissions but also gives you a head start on burning calories in the morning. This cardiovascular workout integrates physical activity into your regular routine and increases energy and metabolism.

10 - Leg lifts and seat marching

To build stronger lower body muscles and burn calories, sneak in subtle leg exercises under your desk, such as leg lifts and seat marching. You can increase circulation and counteract the effects of extended sitting by doing these easy motions throughout the day.

11 - Select healthy snacks and pay attention to portion sizes

Calorie control and general health can benefit from thoughtful snack and portion selection. Choose nutrient-dense snacks to feed your body during the workday, such as nuts, fruits, and yoghurt. This will help you prevent mindless overeating.

12 - Stay hydrated

Getting enough water to drink improves metabolism, controls hunger, and promotes general health. As a reminder to stay hydrated, keep a water bottle at your desk and take quick pauses throughout the day to replenish it.

13 - Use a kneeling chair

Compared to ergonomic office chairs, using a kneeling chair encourages improved posture and activates the core muscles, which increases calorie expenditure. Because of its ergonomic form, sitting upright is encouraged, which relieves pressure on the spine and promotes dynamic sitting.

14 - Use the stairs rather than the elevator

Choosing to use the stairs rather than the elevator is a straightforward but efficient method of adding exercise to your everyday schedule. With each step, climbing stairs works the main muscle groups, burns calories, and strengthens the heart.

15 - Assign movement break reminders

Set up recurring reminders to take quick breaks to move during the day. Every hour, take a few minutes to get up, stretch, and move around to break up extended periods of sitting and to reenergize your body and mind.

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Picture by Shutterstock

16 - Handle or reduce workplace stress

To lower cortisol levels and prevent stress-related weight gain, use stress-reduction strategies, including deep breathing, mindfulness, or quick meditation sessions. To encourage a healthy work-life balance, prioritise your duties, make reasonable goals, and take care of yourself.

17 - Park your car further away

By adding extra steps to your daily routine, parking further away from the workplace entrance stimulates accidental physical activity. Accept the chance to walk to and from your car as an easy method to burn more calories and promote general health.

18 - Wear a fitness watch

Tracking your daily activity levels with a fitness watch motivates you to be active throughout the day and offers insightful information on how many calories you burn. To keep yourself motivated and accountable, set action objectives and monitor your progress.

19 - Maintain good posture

Proper posture when sitting or standing helps to burn more calories and lowers the risk of musculoskeletal problems. It also uses the core muscles. Throughout the workday, pay attention to keeping your hips, shoulders, and spine in alignment for ideal posture.

20 - Get up and talk to people

Take advantage of the chance to speak with coworkers face-to-face rather than over the phone or via email. In addition to promoting social interaction, walking to their desk adds extra steps to your day and breaks up sedentary behaviour.

21 - Desk pushups and lunges

To increase strength and burn calories, include bodyweight workouts like desk pushups and lunges in your daily office routine. For increased convenience, you can include these workouts in your desktop setting or perform them discretely during brief pauses.

22 - Make phone calls outside while taking a stroll

While taking calls outside, take a quick stroll to increase productivity and burn calories. Take advantage of the sunshine and fresh air while having fruitful conversations-this is the best kind of multitasking.

23 - Chair dips

Chair dips are an effective exercise for working the triceps. Sit on the edge of a stable chair, hands next to your hips. Move your hips forward off the seat with your legs extended, supporting your weight on your hands. Lower your body by bending your elbows, then press back up. Keep your movements controlled and focused.

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Picture by Shutterstock

The benefits of burning calories at your desk

There are several advantages to being active at work for your physical and emotional health:

  • Better physical health - Engaging in regular physical activity lowers the chance of developing chronic illnesses like diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and some types of cancer. Moving around during the workplace promotes cardiovascular fitness, helps people maintain a healthy weight, and improves general physical health.
  • Enhanced energy - Including exercise in your workday will help you feel more energised and fight off feelings of exhaustion and sluggishness. Moving your body increases blood flow, nourishes and oxygenates cells, and encourages the release of endorphins, all of which contribute to greater alertness and productivity.
  • Improved mental clarity and focus - Research has demonstrated that engaging in physical activity improves memory, focus, and cognitive performance. Focus and productivity are increased when physical activity and short breaks are used to stimulate brain activity, lessen mental weariness, and improve overall cognitive performance.
  • Decrease your stress - Exercise is a great way to decrease stress since it lowers cortisol levels, which are the body's main stress hormone. Including exercise in your workday can reduce stress, encourage relaxation, and lift your spirits, creating a happier and more productive work atmosphere.
  • Better posture and muscular health - Poor posture and muscular imbalances can result from sedentary work habits, which can cause discomfort and musculoskeletal problems. Maintaining an active lifestyle at work lowers the risk of back pain, neck strain, and other ergonomic-related ailments by promoting good alignment, strengthening muscles, and enhancing flexibility.
  • Improved mood and well-being - Engaging in physical activity causes the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which are linked to positive emotions and a sense of wellbeing. Frequent office workouts or movement breaks can improve mood, lessen anxiety and depression, and foster a happy work atmosphere.
  • Enhanced creativity and productivity - Studies have indicated that a healthy lifestyle during the working day can lead to improvements in creativity, productivity, and problem-solving abilities. Engaging in physical activity can contribute to improved brain function and creative thinking because it increases blood flow to the brain, enhances oxygenation, and fosters neural connectivity.
  • Promotion of workplace morale and culture - Promoting physical exercise in the workplace shows a commitment to employees' well-being and cultivates a culture of health and wellness. Engaging in team-building exercises or challenges fosters comradery, collaboration, and motivation, resulting in a more unified and motivated workforce.

How do you track your progress?

For those who want to control their weight or get healthier overall, keeping track of their calorie progress at work can be helpful. Here are a few efficient methods for monitoring your calories while working:

  • Food journaling - Throughout the workday, note everything you eat and drink in your food journal. Provide information about components, portion sizes, and approximate calorie counts. You can count the number of calories you consume and keep a food record with a variety of applications.
  • Wearable fitness trackers - You may track your daily activity levels, including calories burned, using wearable fitness trackers like Fitbit, Garmin, or Apple Watch. These gadgets track data like steps taken, distance travelled, and active minutes using sensors to give you feedback on your caloric expenditure in real time.
  • Activity trackers - To keep tabs on your movements in the workplace, use pedometers or activity monitors. These gadgets track your steps and calculate your estimated caloric expenditure according to your degree of activity. To keep yourself motivated to be active at work, set targets for your daily step counts or active minutes.
  • Office wellness programs - Make use of initiatives and programmes for office wellness that provide assistance with maintaining a balanced diet and counting calories. A lot of places of employment provide their staff members access to trained dietitians, fitness challenges, and nutrition lectures as ways to help them control their caloric intake and make better decisions.
  • Smartphone apps - Install apps on your smartphone that are made especially for meal planning and tracking calories. With the help of these applications, you can keep track of your daily caloric intake, enter your meals and snacks, and create individualised nutrition or weight management objectives. Additionally, some apps have capabilities like nutritional analysis and meal recommendations.
  • Frequent weigh-ins - Use a digital scale to weigh yourself on a frequent basis to track your progress. Monitor your weight over time to identify any changes and make any adjustments to your calorie intake or amount of activity. Keep in mind that daily swings in weight are common, so pay more attention to long-term patterns.
  • Speaking with a medical professional - For individualised advice on calorie counting and weight management, think about consulting a licensed dietitian or other healthcare professional. A specialist can assist you in creating a plan that suits your unique requirements and tastes, setting reasonable goals, and interpreting nutritional data.

Frequently asked questions

What are effective exercises to perform at a desk for calorie burning?

To covertly burn calories, perform leg lifts or calf raises while seated. By doing these on a regular basis, you can increase your total caloric expenditure.

Can you suggest low-impact activities that help people lose weight at the workplace?

Include sitting bicycles or step exercises at your desk. To engage muscles, use resistance bands for squats or arm stretches during brief rests.

How many calories can be burned by standing as opposed to sitting at work?

You can burn about fifty more calories an hour standing than sitting. Purchasing a standing desk may increase the number of calories you burn each day.

What strategies exist for increasing calorie expenditure in an office environment?

To gradually boost your calorie burn, use the stairs rather than the elevator, go to the toilet farther away from your desk, and choose to have walking meetings.

Is it possible to have a significant calorie burn during office hours with minimal activity?

Indeed, engaging in activities like standing up and fidgeting from time to time can burn extra calories without taking away from your productivity.

What habits can be adapted to aid weight loss for those with sedentary office roles?

Make it a habit to move around the workplace at least once every hour, choose healthy snacks, and maintain continuous hydration-all of which can help speed up metabolism.